"AWESOME ARCHITECTURE Season2" How to design architecture for the world to remember

Finished with the activity ” AWESOME ARCHITECTURE ” SEASON2
School of Architecture and Design Architecture field Walailak University on Wednesday, November 9, 2022.
which this activity invites Those interested in attending a special lecture on the topic ” AWESOME ARCHITECTURE S2 “
How to design architecture for the world to remember, 2nd time
There was a special lecturer, Professor Dr. Rawin Thinnakorn and Assistant Professor Suphanit Wisetsathorn, which was an activity on the topic of Building Technology/Innovation. Via the online system (ZOOM Meeting). If anyone is interested, they can join in listening to past lectures through 2 channels : facebook : สถาปัตย์ วลัยลักษณ์ และ
Youtube : Awesome Architecture


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